Peter Bade reduces
electricity consumption  
by 11.3 % with flexOn


Peter Bade GmbH used to have no overview of its energy flows. Thanks to the flexOn energy management platform, this hurdle was overcome, the PV system's own consumption increased and significant savings were achieved.

Grüner Haken
Combination of all data, systems and assets
Grüner Haken
Setting up automated optimization & control
Grüner Haken
Utilization of all savings potential
15.6 %
lower electricity prices
through market price optimization
11.3 %
lower power consumption
thanks to optimized schedule
30 %
lower grid charges
due to atypical grid usage

The company

Luftbild des Logistikunternehmens Peter Bade GmbH

Peter Bade GmbH

Peter Bade GmbH has been professionally handling food transportation for industrial and commercial clients since 1929. Thanks to the 6500 m² cold storage and logistics hall in Neumünster, the company can also clean loading equipment, lend empties and store fresh products at different temperature levels in addition to the transportation business.

Logo des Unternehmens Peter Bade GmbH
Refrigerated logistics
Location size
6500 m²
Areas of optimization
Cooling machine & heat pump, PV systems

The challenges

Peter Bade GmbH has a cooling machine and a heat pump to keep the logistics hall at the right temperature and store fresh products. In addition, the company has been using its own PV systems for several years to cover part of its electricity requirements. Before our collaboration, Peter Bade‘s Managing Director Alexander Bullien faced several challenges:


Lack of overview of consumers

Firstly, the Managing Director lacked an overview of all electrical consumers and systems. Bullien did not know at what times the various loads were generated and which temperature levels and processes required how much energy.


Ineffective use of fluctuating electricity prices & high PV production

Due to the lack of precise information on load profiles, dynamic load management was only possible to a limited extent. Despite being connected to the spot market, the company was barely able to benefit from fluctuating electricity prices. In addition, the electricity from the company's own PV system, which is particularly abundant at midday, could not be used effectively. Therefore, a lot of potential remained untapped.

Logo Energy Efficiency Award Nominierung

Nominated for the Energy Efficiency Award 2024

Project: Intelligent consumption control for refrigeration logistics

Our solution

1. Various systems and measurement technology on one platform

When implementing the flexOn energy management platform, all historical data, relevant systems and installations were brought together. As a result, Managing Director Alexander Bullien is now able to monitor all plant data and energy flows in 15-minute real time intervals. In addition to internal data, flexOn also allows the company to keep an eye on external data such as stock exchange prices and weather data.

Screenshot der Vergleichsübersicht aus der Energiemanagement-Plattform flexOn

2. Automated optimization & control

Once all the systems had been brought together, our team carried out initial step tests in the control system to find out how high the flexibility potential was and combined this with various optimization targets. Since then, flexOn analyzes all the data and uses artificial intelligence to create forecasts for electricity consumption and generation. The forecasts are used to create intelligent, optimized schedules for the electricity consumption of the cooling machine. All relevant limit parameters, such as temperature specifications, are taken into account. Our energy management platform automatically controls the consumers according to the schedules – without influencing the normal business processes. This way, dynamic load shifting, and the associated added value run themselves.

Screenshot der Fahrplanempfehlung aus flexOn

3. Utilization of all potentials

The AI-based schedules are designed to consume electricity when it is cheap on the spot market or when a lot of energy is available from the company's own PV systems. As a result, Peter Bade has made considerable savings in costs and CO₂ emissions. At the same time, the efficiency and ROI of the PV system has increased by using the intelligent energy management.

Screenshot der Vergleichsübersicht aus der Energiemanagement-Plattform flexOn
Photo of Alexander Bullien, CEO of Peter Bade GmbH
Alexander Bullien
CEO Peter Bade GmbH

“By using the flexOn energy management platform, we wanted to finally get an overview of the energy flows in the company, export measured values simply and clearly and, above all, save on electricity costs and grid charges.”

The savings

Overall, the flexOn energy management platform has achieved savings in three areas through AI-based data analysis and automated control. The savings were calculated as follows:

Market price optimization

flexOn optimizes the market price by analyzing day-ahead electricity prices and automatically shifting electricity consumption to periods when electricity is green and cheap. The aim is to minimize electricity costs with the help of load shifting. Thanks to the market price optimization of the cooling machine, which accounts for around 60 to 70 % of the site, Peter Bade GmbH paid 15.6 % lower working prices in the first quarter of 2024.

Efficiency increase

The optimized operation and automated control of the flexOn energy management platform has increased the energy efficiency of the cooling machine and reduced electricity consumption by 11.3 % in the first quarter of 2024. flexOn also controls the heat pump in a way that it uses more of the cooling machine's waste heat to run even more efficiently. As further optimization is still pending in this area, it was not included in the calculation for the time being.

Atypical grid usage

As part of atypical grid usage, flexOn uses peak shaving to reduce grid utilization during peak load windows. During this time, more renewable energy from Peter Bade GmbH's PV system was used instead of electricity from the grid operator. In addition, flexOn used the cooling machine as energy storage: In order to avoid heavy consumption during the high-load time windows, the energy management system reduced the temperature more during periods of low grid utilization within the limit parameters. In the high-load time windows, flexOn reduced the electricity consumption of the cooling machine, which brought the temperature back to the regular level. By peak shaving in the peak load time windows, Peter Bade has saved 30 % on grid charges compared to the previous year. With further technical improvements that are already in action, we expect to save 44 % by 2025.


As a first step, electricity prices from the first quarter of 2024 and the consumption of the plants without the control of flexOn were based on historical data.


This was used to calculate the energy costs and consumption that would have occurred in the first quarter of 2024 without the use of intelligent energy management.


These were compared with the real energy consumption and costs associated with the use of flexOn. The consumption data have also been adjusted for weather conditions.


flexOn optimiert den Marktpreis, indem es die Day-Ahead-Strompreise analysiert und den Stromverbrauch automatisch in Zeiträume verschiebt, in denen der Strom grün und günstig ist. Ziel ist es hier, die Stromkosten mithilfe von Lastverschiebung zu minimieren.

Durch die Marktpreisoptimierung der Kältemaschine, die in etwa 60 bis 70% des Standortes ausmachen, hat die Peter Bade GmbH im ersten Quartal 2024 15,6% geringere Arbeitspreise gezahlt.

Vergleichsübersicht von Verbrauch und Produktion in flexOn

Analysen & Prognosen mit KI

Unser ganzheitliches und individuell anpassbares Dashboard visualisiert alle relevanten Energie- und Betriebsdaten Ihrer Systeme in Echtzeit. Hinzu kommen externe Daten, wie Wetterdaten und Marktpreise. 

Unsere künstliche Intelligenz erstellt mit den verschiedenen Daten Prognosen über den Energieverbrauch und -erzeugung und berechnet einen optimierten Fahrplan für Ihre Verbraucher. Wenn sich die Gegebenheiten oder Ihre Anlagen verändern, passt sich die KI daran an. 

Übersicht über Energiepreis und Verbrauch aus flexOn

Flexibilisierung der Energieflüsse

flexOn steuert Ihre Verbraucher gemäß dem zuvor berechneten, optimierten Fahrplan. Die intelligente Energiemanagement-Plattform liefert Ihnen ein vollautomatisiertes & sicheres Steuerungssystem. Dank flexOn erzielen Sie einen besseren ROI Ihrer Investitionen in PV-Anlagen und Speicher, zahlen geringere Netzentgelte und verbrauchen Strom dann, wenn er grün und günstig ist. Und das alles, ohne Ihre Kernprozesse zu beeinträchtigen.

Yearly savings

Calculated over the year, the Peter Bade GmbH saves 135 MWh of electricity by using flexOn. According to the Geman Federal Environment Agency, every kilowatt hour of electricity consumed emits an average of 0.4 kg of CO₂ . In total, this results in a saving of 54 tons of CO₂  emissions, which Peter Bade GmbH has saved through intelligent energy management.

Grüner Haken
15.6 %

lower energy prices
through market price optimization

Grüner Haken
11.3 %

lower power consumption
of the colling machine

Grüner Haken
30 %

lower grid charges
due to atypical grid usage

Grüner Haken
135 MWh

saved per year

Grüner Haken
54 t

CO2 saved per year

Grüner Haken
15.6 %

lower electricity prices
through market price optimization

Grüner Haken
11.3 %

lower power consumption
of the cooling machine

Grüner Haken
30 %

lower grid charges
due to atypical grid usage

Grüner Haken
135 MWh

saved per year

Grüner Haken
54 t

CO2 saved per year

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