Holistic energy management with AI

Our flexOn energy management platform uses AI-based data analysis and automation to shift the power consumption of your infrastructure to green and cost-effective periods. flexOn aligns your energy flows bidirectionally with the availability of renewable energy at your location and in the markets and controls your systems automatically.

Automated value creation from day 1

Icon mit Sonne und Solarmodul

Increase consumption of self-generated energy

Increase consumption of self-generated energyDynamic load shifting in periods with surplus PV production

Icon mit nach untem zeigendem Pfeil

Reduce grid charges

Intelligent load peak capping and use of peak load time windows

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Utilize volatile market prices

Consume energy when it is cheapest

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Increase efficiency

Analysis and energy optimization, especially for heating and cooling processes


Everything you need. On a single platform.

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Anlagenübersicht aus dem Energiemanagementsystem flexOn

Connect all systems and installations

We connect to all relevant systems and installations via REST API, SFTP, OPCUA and Modbus TCP.

In the industry, this applies to most PV systems, smart meters, heat pumps, cooling systems, thermal storage, battery storage, CHP, wind power, existing EMS and charging infrastructure. All connections are protected multiple times and set up redundantly so that the system can always work reliably.

Vergleichsübersicht von Verbrauch und Produktion in flexOn

Analysis & forecasts with AI

Our holistic and customizable dashboard visualizes all relevant energy and operating data of your systems in real time. External data such as weather data and market prices are also included.

With the help of artificial intelligence, we use the various data to create easy-to-implement forecasts of all relevant energy flows to better understand future energy consumption and production. The AI is constantly learning and adapts independently to changing circumstances.

Übersicht über Energiepreis und Verbrauch aus flexOn

Flexibilization of energy flows

flexOn controls your consumers according to the previously calculated, optimized schedule. This allows you to consume electricity when it is green and cheap. The energy management platform provides a fully automated & secure control system for a better ROI on your investments in PV systems and storage, for lower grid charges and the targeted use of favorable and green periods on the energy market. And all this without affecting your core processes.

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Integration & communication

Integrate your infrastructure with your energy procurement. As your central energy management platform, flexOn bundles all relevant data and forecasts and forms a bidirectional communication channel to your energy service providers.

With flexOn, you can combine long-term and short-term energy products with your local production and make your energy procurement more efficient, more resilient, more independent and cheaper.

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Why flexOn?

With flexOn, we have developed a unique solution that clearly stands out from other products on the market. The special characteristics include:

Icon mit Umrisse zweier PersonenIcon mit Wolke und Kreis mit HakenIcon mit Haus und ZeichenIcon mit Monitor und Graph

Our team combines in-depth knowledge of the energy market with practical skills in engineering, data science and software development. In addition, we have a strong network in the energy market and in plant engineering. On this basis, we solve our customers' problems with a holistic mindset and break down existing silos.

Combination of energy market knowledge and practical expertise

Our flexOn energy management platform optimizes your energy consumption without the need for additional investments such as battery storage. No new hardware is required to implement flexOn and there are no initial costs associated with this.

Use of existing infrastructure

As we develop flexOn ourselves, we can implement our customers' wishes and new features quickly. Thanks to the modular structure of the platform, flexOn can grow with the systems and requirements of our customers. If you expand your systems, the new components can be easily integrated into the system.

Technology developed in-house

flexOn offers a comprehensive visualization of your power generation, consumption, system behavior and external data such as stock market prices. At the same time, our AI generates intelligent, optimized schedules according to which flexOn automatically controls your systems – without any action on your part. This enables automatic value creation from day 1.

Automated control including monitoring

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