flexOn for

your company

Would you like to know whether flexOn is worth using in your company? Find out now with our three-minute quick check.

Start Quick Check

Quick Check


Which industry does your company operate in?

Error message will be displayed here!

Quick Check


Do you own a PV system?  

Error message will be displayed here!

Quick Check


Which flexOn functions are of particular interest to you?

(multiple selections possible)

Quick Check


What is your yearly electricity consumption in gigawatt hours?

Error message will be displayed here!

Quick Check

Good news!

The results show that the use of flexOn would offer your company added value. Please enter your contact details below so that we can find a customized solution for your needs. We look forward to helping you realize your goals.

Error message will be displayed here!
Error message will be displayed here!
Error message will be displayed here!
Error message will be displayed here!
Check this box to continue.

Quick Check

Almost done!

Unfortunately, we do not yet have enough data to determine whether flexOn is suitable for you. We would be happy to clarify this question in a personal meeting with you.

Please enter your contact details below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!

Error message will be displayed here!
Error message will be displayed here!
Error message will be displayed here!
Error message will be displayed here!
Check this box to continue.

Quick Check

Too bad!

It seems that flexOn is currently not the ideal solution for your company as your electricity consumption is too low. If your requirements change or you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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+49321 5393874 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm)
Vielen Dank! Wir melden uns schnellstmöglich bei Ihnen.
Huch! Etwas ist schief gelaufen. Bitte probieren Sie es später noch einmal.